Ionad an Mhachaire will host a 2 day Diaspora Event ''The homecoming' st Ionad an Mhachaire, Maghery, Dungloe, Co Donegal, on Friday 26th & Saturday 27th September 2014.
Ever wondered about your family roots and heritage? Would you like to know more about the seasonal workers of West Donegal such as Tattie Hokers, Herring Gutters, Miners and Hydro-electric dam workers? We will explore the reason for their mass exodus and the work conditions they endured. We will also examine how this impacted on social life and the Irish language.
What's in a name? There will also be a brief look at local surnames place names, town lands etc. We will have local historians on hand to assist with tracing your family roots, local names, place names etc. This event may assist and guide you in preparing your family tree. Want to know more about the event? Please call 0353 74 22724 or 0353 877733203 or e-mail us on Facebook us on Ionad Maghery. Please share with your overseas family and friends
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